Service Agreement Between the SHS&S Org and the Purchaser

The following General Service Agreement outlines what the SHS&S Organization will/will not do for the Purchaser or Customer (Caregiver) utilizing our services and products and what all parties can expect. Because the Purchaser will not always be the Individual utilizing our services, this information and contract is based on the expectations of the intended User: The Main Caregiver intended to benefit from our Services.

The program and services of the SHS&S (Structured Holistic Services & Schedules) Organization is designed to provide caregivers with some of the skills they would receive if they hired the services of a professional Caregiving Agency. The concepts of the material and services are based on the viewpoint of the Founder Lynnel Townsend, a Professional Caregiver with over 18+ years of experience and the training and skills she received throughout the years from professional caregiving agencies. Her viewpoints are not to be understood or taken that there may not be other ways of providing these services to benefit Struggling Caregivers suffering from burnout.

The goal of SHS&S is to give Caregivers working 24/7 suffering from total burnout, access to some of the skills they would receive if they could afford care through such agencies. This is because many of them cannot afford the median cost of caregiving, which is $24-$27 an hour to receive the services of a DSP, Direct Support Professional provided by these agencies. Also many of the individuals these caregivers care for does not have insurance that would help offset the cost. This leaves these caregivers in a desperate situation needing immediate solutions. Also according to statistics, never ending caregiving can have life threatening physical and emotional effects on their health.

In creating the SHS&S Organization the program was designed to provide a plan of action to support these individuals in their crisis. Therefore, the following information is a list to explain to the purchaser of our product, our 4 week training courses, the services and materials we will and will not provide. It will also outline the desired outcome you can expect from utilizing our training program and services:

What the purchaser should and should not expect or the desired outcome from our services

  1. We will provide training materials: Our training material is downloadable and in a PDF format to allow the purchaser to create a medical profile similar, but not equal to one’s created by professional caregiving agencies. This material can be placed in a binder. The purchase will also have accompanying videos to be used along with the downloadable materials.
  2. The content of the training material: The training material will provide unique training skills and tools to benefit: the individual needing total care, train the Main Caregiver and train all additional caregivers involved with their care.
  3. The material will include: templates, links to training videos, references and resources needed and step by step instructions on how to create a personalized Binder (Manual) with instructions of care for the individual needing total care.
  4. The location and accessibility of the training material: All the training material will be in our online school which the purchaser will have a link and access to with all of the materials and training the purchaser will receive in our 4 week training program.
  5. We will make allowances for: some who need additional time of up to 6 weeks.
  6. Training Material based on the opinion of the Founder: All training materials and information is based on the opinion of the Owner of SHS&S (Lynnel Townsend) a Professional Caregiver that she feels is necessary for the purchaser to create a medical profile of the individual needing total care. This includes the necessary skills and training needed to give the main caregiver free time and support they need to prevent burnout.
  7. Skills of the Founder: She included her personal experience as a Professional Caregiver to allow the purchaser to provide all information pertaining to the care needs of the person needing total care. This will include templates of SHS&S they can fill out to include: all ailments, medical devices, all physicians involved with their care, types of physicians, contact information and care instructions. It will also include the individuals likes, dislikes, dietary restrictions, physicians notes.
  1. The template will not be the property of the SHS&S Org, so the purchaser can download this or other downloadable templates to allow SHS&S Org. to demonstrate how to fill in parts of a MAR, Medication Administration Record.
  2. We will encourage the Purchaser to retrieve monthly printouts from the Pharmacy of all Doctors Orders. The combined training provided for the MAR and Doctors Orders is from the viewpoint of Lynnel Townsend, to encourage and demonstrate to the Purchaser/ Main Caregiver to keep an accurate record of all dates, times, dosages of all prescribed medications, PRN’s (as needed) and OTC (over the counter meds) new medications added and discontinued.
  3. In addition to the templates for all of this information there will be accompanying videos that should be started and stopped as needed to follow along with the training materials. We will also provide instructions on all training materials and information. However again the training is the concept and views of the Owner and Creator of the SHS&S Organization and all other materials and is not to be accepted as the only way to fill out information on the MAR.
  1. All worksheets, access to all videos… needed to complete the 4 week training.
  2. You will be instructed of what training materials or templates you will need to make copies of to have available for use weekly, monthly etc.
  1. Suggestions and information on where and how to search for additional caregivers who will work a few days a week or as needed to give the Main Caregiver free time for themselves. This will be from friends, relatives or job search sites such as INDEED etc.
  1. templates, videos, training materials, task sheets, schedules, assignments, and all expectations of these additional caregivers.
  2. This material is intended for the sole purpose of the purchaser and made available to be duplicated and reused (by the Purchaser only) as the need may be whenever they have to hire new caregivers.

We will not be responsible for and you are agreeing to the following:

What you agree to as the purchaser of the material Our Acknowledgment Terms and Conditions

The Overall Goal or Desired Outcome from the Services of SHS&S

  1. For these Main Family Caregivers or any Caregiver to have a unique plan of action in place, structured to take their needs and the needs of their love ones into consideration.
  2. To help these Caregivers create a Binder (Manual) similar to the ones professional home caregiving agencies use in the homes of their client. The binder (Manual) will be filled with a medical profile of the individual needing care, daily task sheets, weekly schedules and so much more, so that any caregiver working with the individual needing care will know how and what to do to provide quality care.
  1. Help these families generate additional caregivers who will be trained to work a minimum of 2-3 days a week, 8-10 hours a day to give these individuals “Me time and free time” away from their love ones.
  2. The “Free time” these caregivers will now have from the 4 -6 weeks training program of SHS&S can be used to explore other agencies and resources. These agencies will further assist them and educate them on the individuals disease After they complete our training courses. Why AFTER? Because our training is designed to give these caregivers an IMMEDIATE solution and help stabilize them in their desperate situation.

Our (The Founders) overall and Ultimate Goal is for these individuals and families to have quality time with their love ones during the entire duration of their love one’s illness. We do not want their time to be clouded by disorganization, physical and mental exhaustion, overwhelming grief and frustration. We want them to have lasting, cherished memories of a life well lived, with a family that stuck together in a crucial time in their lives .

Payment information for our Basic Courses and Monthly Subscription and Expectation of the Purchaser:

Course-1 Generalized Training Weeks 1&2- $395, and Course-2 Generalized Training Weeks 3&4- $395

Course -1 Dementia only Weeks 1&2- $395, and Course-2 Dementia Only Weeks 3&4 -$395

Our ongoing Monthly Training and Support (in addition to the Basic Courses) $200 ea. month

Payment for each course is expected before training begins. There is no trial basis or money back guarantee.

Credentials and experience of the Founder used to create the Training materials of SHS&S

By signing or checking the box on this form you agree to the terms, information and condition outlined in these terms and conditions.

I _______________________________________ agree that I have read all the information outlined and am in agreement with these terms and conditions

Date:_________________ Signature _______________________